[Story] The Future Is (Y)Ours

The adventure of Beo and AID

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What is The Future Is (Y)Ours?

The Future is (Y)Ours (TFIY) is a module that is taught at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam. It is part of the study Creative Business, where I am currently a third year student. In this stone, this is what we call a ten week module, you have to create an inspiring story for a client. The client we had to work with was NOS. Within this story you will predict the future of the client by doing trend research.

The story

In the possible future Generation Alpha, born between 2010-2025, will be grown up. They are the largest generation history has ever seen (McCrindle,2021-a). They will have more access to technology, information, and external influences than any generation before. Because of the ever-changing technology there is a problem with gadget addiction. This causes the generation to have difficulties with attention. During the youth of Generation Alpha, they have experienced a pandemic that has caused a lot of trouble growing up. They especially crave connectivity and contact. The government has a tight grip on the spreading of information. With the help of different gadgets, the government is able to factcheck easier and decide which information is relevant for the people. But the gadgets also help the people with the receiving of information. It has become easier and more enjoyable for this generation to be updated on the news. Gadgets also make it easier to translate languages in real-time. In this narrative we will follow someone from Generation Alpha that is starting to feel numb because of all the gadgets. But luckily there is something, or someone, to help guide them.

The narrative of the story

To determine this narrative, it was important to look back, before starting to look forward. Misinformation has been around for a very long time and has always been used to gain something. Ever since the invention of the printing press it is possible to distribute information more broadly (Weaver, 2021).  “The printing press sets a precedent for other literacy tools, including social media” (Doyle, 2019). With the help of the printing press, and social media, people have access to all kind of information. Sadly, this creates a discrepancy between consumption and knowledge. Differences in levels of literacy and education create discrepancies in the understanding of information. People are starting to doubt reliable sources, which results in the Post-Truth World. Actions are being taken against the growing disbelief, but how far do we need to push?

The media products


The comic is the main media product. In this comic we follow the story of Beo, from generation Alpha, who becomes numb because of the information overload and all the different technical gadgets. But we also follow AID, a hologram that was made by the government.


The infographic contained different research that helped me create the story. But it also contains a prediction of the future.

3D Models

The 3D models are gadgets within the comic. This gave an interactive feel to the story when we had to present it for the client.


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